Research Interests

My background in computer science and a great fascination for the human body as well as the hope of advancing modern medicine with AI brought me to my current PhD position. I believe that advanced technology and computer algorithms can help to improve modern medicine. I am researching how artificial intelligence can support radiologists in disease diagnosis and tissue segmentation.


A Personalisable Clinical Decision Support System for Neurological Diseases

Under the supervision of Pietro Lio' I developed a clinical decision support system for neurological diseases. Our decision support system is an operation of translational medicine. It is based on random forests, is personalisable and allows a clear insight into the decision making process. A well-structured rule set is created and every rule of the decision making process can be observed by the user (physician). Furthermore, the user has an impact on the creation of the final rule set and the algorithm allows the comparison of different diseases as well as regional differences in the same disease.

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